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What To Do When You Find A Fledgling

What To Do When You Find A Fledgling

A fledgling bird is a baby bird who can flap and perch however, cannot fly very well.  When you find a fledgling it is possible it has fallen from the nest. First we need to assess whether the fledgling is injured. If so, it will need to be taken to a veterinary clinic for attention. Sometimes the fledgling is not injured at all, meaning taking the bird away from this area is not necessary. In this case we need to leave the fledgling where it was found. This will allow the parents to attend to the fledgling. Here are some examples of what you can do to help:

  • You can place the fledgling under the tree it has fallen from. If you have an open wire topped cage, or up turned budgie cage this can offer some protection. This will allow the mother to see and hear her fledgling.
  • If you see the parents notice the fledgling, you may perch it on a branch in the tree. Always ensure you are there in case the fledging falls. Wait and see if the parents attend to and feed the fledgling.
  • If possible, check on the fledgling a few hours later, or the next day, to see if the fledgling has been returned to its nest or is being fed by its parents. If it is clear the fledgling has been abandoned, please take it to the Veterinary clinic or ring a local wildlife carer.